I still remember the thrill of my first ultrasound. My husband and I were ecstatic to see our baby for the first time. However, I was also filled with nerves about not knowing what to expect and the typical Mom-xiety to find out how the baby was doing.
Around that time I started hearing stories of friends who have created special traditions revolving around their ultrasound appointments, and I loved the idea immediately! Pregnancy is a roller-coaster of emotions, and taking moments to pause, reflect, celebrate, and dream is important amidst all the stress that comes along with it.

My sister and brother-in-law have celebrated their 20-week ultrasound with each of their three boys by taking the day off work, hiring a sitter, going to the appointment together, and going out to brunch after.
SIMPLE! And you know what? I absolutely love that they have created such a sweet little way to cherish some alone time in the middle of the pregnancy and their ever-growing family.
I also love that they have intentionally chosen to have time set aside during the days of their ultrasound appointments because if they receive difficult news or there is a serious concern, they are already prepared to be together the whole day and don’t have the additional stress of work on their plate.
That’s huge!
But as I said, there is so much stress involved with bringing a child into the world that I feel it is good to plan and anticipate with something special. Here are eight fun ultrasound date ideas for you!
1. Do a Gender Reveal Envelope
If you are finding out the gender of your baby, have the ultrasound technician write down the gender and seal it in an envelope instead of telling you at the appointment. You can take the envelope with you and open it later on a date or a more intimate setting to create a special tradition.
2. Make a Baby Gender Bet
If you are betting on the baby being a different gender than your partner is, make it official! Loser owes winner a foot massage.
Or just Mama-to-be gets a foot massage either way, because that’s a REAL win right now.
3. Get a Couples Massage
If you’re up for splurging, and you have already taken the day off of work to make a memory together, why not book a massage??
Soothing music, aromatherapy, candle lighting…everyone can benefit from a relaxing massage before baby comes.
Similarly, my husband loves getting pedicures with me whenever he can and right around that halfway 20-week ultrasound point it gets VERY difficult to do your own toes. Booking a pedicure together could be a totally fun new tradition!
4. Start a Baby Book
Buy or make a scrapbook for your baby and put their first “picture” in together.
5. Go Media-Free for a Day
Go media-free for the whole day of the ultrasound. Make it a point to spend quality time together uninterrupted before sharing your news, ultrasound pictures etc. with everyone else.
6. Go Out to Dessert
Get a sweet treat together in honor of the sweet little life you are preparing to welcome! You may want to open your sealed gender reveal envelope, perhaps? 🙂
7. Go On a Baby Registry Spree
Go on a baby-registering spree at the store after your ultrasound.
8. Name Your Baby
Alright, that’s a bit extreme. But you might have fun narrowing down your top list of baby names following your ultrasound!
Okay, so I hope you recognize by now that my point is to slow down and cherish your time together! Whatever would make a day special and memorable to you, I totally encourage you to plan ahead just a little bit for your ultrasound so that you can really make a day of it.
Pregnancy goes fast. It’s good to remember that sometimes!
Up Next: Postpartum Care Kit: What to Get from the Hospital for FREE
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