When my seventh month old, Lyla, was just getting started on solids I kept seeing this new company “Yumi” all over the place and I wanted to know more.
After checking out their site and learning about their organic, meal-subscription style delivery for baby food I laughed a little but was also insanely curious. And with flavors such as “thai coconut ginger soup” and “strawberry basil pie” I just HAD to try them for myself! Er, my baby.
We found a deal to get your first delivery for half off so we went for it and got our first box within a few days!
(Major fail: I didn’t realize you could customize your box and I ended up with two plain spinach purees. Don’t be me. Get the exotic flavors. They are so good!)
Here’s a video of our Yumi unboxing and first taste test with my full Yumi review written below!
Pros of Yumi
Here are the six reasons we loved it.
1. Convenience
From the preparation to the delivery to the research that goes into the weekly nutrition… everything has been thought of and done for you.
2. Quality
The taste and quality of the Yumi blends is EXCELLENT! It’s obviously organic, but I also love how creative the blends and combinations of purees are. It inspires me to try mixing new creations for my babe!
3. Variety
They offer the largest variety of baby food of any of these type of companies that I have checked out so far. From the single purees to the advanced blends to the toddler and baby led weaning bite meals they have a TON of options for all babies and toddlers. They also offer healthy organic puffs and snacks for babies.
4. No Food Waste
At 7 months my kiddo was just eating one jar a day (or HALF a jar), supplemented with baby-led-weaning-friendly finger foods off my plate. Any extra I didn’t think I would use during the week could have easily been frozen and saved for later. (My toddler ate any of the extras before I had the chance but there is definitely no wasted food here!)
Update: You can now purchase frozen purees if you desire, which is just one more great option for people who don’t want to order as often.
5. Shipping
Fast & free.
6. The Cool Factor
I’ve seen these guys taking a lot of heat for creating something that makes parents “lazy,” but I think they just happen to understand milennials! Haters gonna hate….but this is a really cool company.
Besides the food itself, I love the weekly baby development text updates I get every week from them (gifs included.)

Cons to Yumi
While Yumi is overwhelmingly impressive, there are still a few downfalls. Here are the cons.
1. Cost
The reasons why Yumi is expensive are understandable, but the cost is high nonetheless.
The good thing is they do offer several ways to make it a little bit more affordable for subscribers! These include a virtual “punch card” to earn free jars, a military discount, a 20% discount on monthly billing, and occasional seasonal specials.
2. Packaging
There is quite a bit of packaging waste due to the ice packs and boxes, but my main issue with the packaging is actually that the individual jars are not microwaveable. While most of the blends are designed to be served chilled, there are times it would be nice to have that quick warm up option for some of the savory blends!
3. Mobile-Optimization
They have been making tweaks and upgrades ever since I have been following! However, the first time I made an order from Yumi was on my phone and I do believe the desktop computer experience was much greater in terms of customzing. Hopefully by the time I’ve written this Yumi’s mobile optimization has been updated to be just as awesome as the food they deliver!
To wrap up my Yumi review if you asked me point blank if I would I recommend Yumi here’s what I would say: “When you literally have to fend your husband off of your baby’s highchair tray at dinnertime…you know they are doing something right!”
Check out Yumi’s site to learn more about this really cool company, and use my referral link for 5 free jars for your babe.
It just might be your family’s new favorite!
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